Wednesday, June 4, 2008


The renewal

Few people have come to listen to the testimonies of the few persons – are the others scared ? – who come with J.E.T. to Africa.

Scared to question their own life and to discover that J.E.T. does a thousand things at a time with an impressive success rate.

Anyway, very few people in the conference room and yet…

They have lived in-cre-dible moments, difficult to describe, weren’t they ? that is why it is always better to keep quiet again and again.

The Karma does things well indeed…

One last point: very far away in the Light in a immense burst of laughter, J.E.T. greets you.

Regrets: to have seen people drink alcohol instead of getting back home and practice what I had revealed to them; to bad for them, as they have lost 80% of its energetic efficiency.

Regret to see E…..d loosing himself with girls who, because of his character loose him (a repetition on purpose)

But one does live of regrets; I like this Planet and feel I am going to have fun here.

Discovered Cedric; we have walked for hours; I have revealed to him certain secrets on seduction between men and women that will lead to other revelations on business.

Strange that a married woman with a child have trivialized our meeting. His husband has understood nothing and has preferred to brunch.

I feel I am going to have fun and that humor will be necessary…

Good day to all!