Monday, September 13, 2010

Fall equinox !

JET always offers energetic sentences for equinoxes and solstices thus allowing anyone who says them to benefit for their personal evolution from these extremely powerful moments!

To prepare in the best of ways the Fall equinox, JET offers you this energetic sentence. You may pronounce it between September 14th and September 21st included:

" From now on thanks to Christ, Mankind and myself are in harmony with the Fall equinox. "

Say this exact sentence FACING THE EAST (place where the sun rises), your eyes open, well sited and your legs and arms uncrossed. Let the energies fill you during not more than 10 minutes, then give Thanks to God (or to Life if you do not believe in God) and let go. You will receive great benefits from it!

Please testify on in “The 4 Seasons” section.

If you want more, let us meet at the exceptional week end conferences organized on September 18th and 19th…