Saturday, December 12, 2009

Some testimonials following “Oxygen sessions” by JET

Each of these " quasi-miracles " in less than 5 minutes !

"I completely became a new person. This is a new start in life, in less than 5 minutes. "

"Extraordinary experience that I wish for all to live in less than 5 minutes. "

"Inner rebalancing, very strong feeling to have a new body, revitalized, harmonized, in less than 5 minutes ! "

"I had a few problems still with my neck vertebra, gone in less than 5 minutes! I felt very light, filled with peace and joy, with an indescribable calm. "

"It's huge, deep, imbalances go away. We are in another body while keeping our own. "

"I felt being emptied from many things I was overburdened with. "

"My body is more flexible and I now take with distance the troubles in my life. In my spine, a very pleasant sensation of stretching, with the feeling of having grown at least 20 cm ! "

"I'm an osteopath, I can assure you that the effect on the physical body is instantaneous and impressive. "


You are enthusiast about the method " OXYGEN ", it is the least we can say ...

Dozens and dozens of calls.

It is true that this method is quasi-miraculous.

Note : At this very high level, it would be sacrilege that the ego dictates its terms.

Important note: It is useless to meet JET to get cured.

JET is neither a doctor nor a therapist, or hypnotist or magnetizer.

He is himself and that is enough.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Serve !

If you want to serve God, serve people, have a sense of love and justice.

Open up ! So your life is not only surrounded by researchers, spirituality or esoteric bookworms.


For all Souls' day, JET offers this mantra to communicate to all, provided you explain to them how it works:

Sitting or facing the East, your eyes open, your legs and arms uncrossed, say the sentence with joy and receive the splendid energies it displays. The sentence or Mantra is active and beneficial even if you do not feel its energies. It will fill you with many blessings that will take place in the coming weeks and months. Please make testimonies on this blog when you observe these benefits as it helps others receive too !

The sentence only valid for today 2nd November is :

"Thank You Christ for having sucked up in your Heart of Love and Sweetness all the disembodied souls"

Sunday, November 1, 2009


All Saints is a Catholic feast celebrated on November 1st during which all the saints recognized by the Roman Catholic Church are honored.

All Saints is celebrated one day before all Souls day, which was officially set on November 2nd two centuries after the creation of All Saints.

The Magic sentence you may say at all Saints day, offered by JET can be shared with others if you explain how to use it : sitting or facing the East, eyes open, legs and arms uncrossed, say the sentence with joy and receive the splendid energies it displays. The sentence or Mantra is active and beneficial even if you do not feel its energies. It will fill you with many blessings that will take place in the coming weeks and months. Please make testimonies on this blog when you observe these benefits as it helps others receive too !
The sentence is :

"Divine Providence, we thank You for blessing all the Saints of all religions, of all beliefs and of all traditions"

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The criticizer criticisms himself !

I took twenty years to answer this question I was often asked.

- What do you think of those who criticize you ?


The criticizer criticizes himself. Those who believed, for 14 years, that I had no power and shouted it out loudly, were simply revealing their own failures.

Since I show these powers, after having hidden them for twice 7 years – the same ones bray today that I should not show them, so what !?!? ….

An Arabic proverb says :

" Envy and criticism are the ultimate weapon of the powerless. "

The prophet Ali (whom I adore for its relevance) adds :

" Any hostility may die one day, except the one of the envious. "

I matured the following advice that I learned from him:

" It is by doing good to the envious persons that you will torture them the most. "

Result: I pray for them every day.

Their stupidity allows me to do good, nice gift for which I thank them !

The initiatory culture

The initiatory culture is unlimited. Faced with this enormous Knowledge, one feel very small.

The smallest bead is a delight. Not to want to know the True Initiatory Teaching is a dogma to be slaughtered.

The initiatory culture DOUBLED with the necessary FACULTIES named " POWERS " is IN-ESCAP-ABLE.

The initiatory culture enables to do an immense Good to others and to oneself.

But here it is : do not kid yourself !

You must work only within yourself. It is what I did and most of all what the Divine Kundalini has done in my place.

Without it and Divine Providence (they are ONE), I would be nothing, a mere ego.

" Man, know yourself and you shall rule the universe ! "

I have done it, your turn to take over.

My opinion on emotion

I am also asked what is my opinion on " emotion " in the spiritual or inner quest.


From the beginning of my research, I removed the emotion.

It was a great way to act.

By removing what I qualify as useless, only stayed the efficiency and pragmatism.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Congratulations to this African country for having banned hunting.

Too many Western hunters continue to kill and depopulate Africa of its animals, small or large.


I am recognized, filed (and the word is weak) stamped: initiate, adventurer, treasure hunter, CIA (?), And so on, some of the best.

Adventure ?

The " Wind that lasts " freedom to be and act, wind of joy and enthusiasm.

It's to live and live well ! Not vegetate.

My life !

Mee.. ! Still mee ...

" He never stops ! "

That is what is said about me and people add:

" How does he do that ? ''

I do, simply, happy to have the opportunity to serve God, and ...
to be indifferent to myself and to the outside world.

This allows one to create, to write, to do business, to advise models and try to make people around me happy.

This is the good life ! (with concerns of course ! )

And I take advantage of it (of the good life ! ).

Create in order to make others happier.

There are countless ways to help others.

  • I have just finished my Initiatory book, consisting in more than one hundred and ten letters dealing with different topics each time. A must ! Not to be missed !

  • I have also just completed the first volume of a new series of philosophical lessons in metaphysics and the matter.

  • Also finished a novel with new characters and started the second tome.

  • Is now released the last volume of the trilogy "Viam Della Rosa".

  • Will also soon be released the DVD proving my genuine magical powers, filmed in public in the presence of four cameras and a cheerful audience.

  • the upcoming release of the DVD in which I am doing in-cre-dible demonstrations of poker cheating.

  • Of the happy people trained to the secret technic "Oxygen - Origin", good news: they began to earn well their living and achieve quasi-miracles.

  • Redesigning our websites.

  • Development of the Western and African models agencies (60 models).

  • Launch in Paris of a stunning and very cordial African "supermodel".

  • Presentation of trophy Chance (before the end of the year)

  • Presentation of a trophy to the hunters of treasures who have been betrayed in different ways (November in a palace in Paris)

  • Creation in Benin and Ivory Coast of an esoteric circle reserved for genuine researchers with at least ten years of experience. The youngest can access to it on sponsorship.

  • Creation of new energetical technics to better help a privileged circle of friends (the money club).

  • Preparation of a “shock” book in a foreign country, released planned for 2010.

  • And other occupations ...

The world needs you.

Act, you are needed !

Have more presence in your life, you will feel much better.

Love life, she will love you !

Two secrets :

  • Love yourself more !
  • Make more actions !

Live simply

Your ego can not stand indifference, though you must be indifferent to the way your image is perceived by others, whether it is good or bad.

Simply, live simply !


Their " origin " goes back in 1989 in Ivory Coast.

In front of some hand-picked people, I did some demonstrations that left witnesses speechless.

Others, very rare, will be made in France, in 1990 on people with various problems.

Results ? Amazing !

My lawyer advised me to stop this kind of activity ...

For twenty years ! I shelved it all.

Now Oxygen-Origin, revised, reappears, always as effective, law-abiding, of course.

Everybody knows that the laws are the delight of all. The more the world has laws, the happier it is ...

You agree with it, don't you?

The thought

If you do not put distance between " you and you ", " you and the others ", " you and love ", " you and money " : You will remain in the pain of desire and the fear of missing.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I am being told that I do not stop, that I live in the fast lane.

This is normal. Everyone can do the same.

Everything begins with the thought, your thought!

Think strong! And you will live strong.

You are free of your thoughts, do you remember?

The Future

A renowned Spanish Kabbalist and son of a leading Kabbalistic expert said that I represented the future.

The same powers blossoming in me are in gestation within your being, for you to make them live.

This, whatever is the color of your skin, your nationality, your age and your beliefs.


This has nothing to do, really nothing indeed to do with your beliefs!

The path that leads to the heart of words first passes through your heart.

Cleared of all your beliefs, in your turn you will represent the future.

But be careful!

Inside your being, the negative is present, and is on the lookout for complicating your life ...

The Gospel according to Thomas

Super Gospel found in 1946 near Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt.

Inside: 114 words of Jesus beginning with these words so important : " Jesus said ".

Very interesting reading, I'll develop this topic in one of my next books.

Tell the Truth

I am sometimes criticized for saying what I think.

I have defects, but I like to tell the truth.

If you tell the truth, it is the others who find themselves with the "hot potato" ...


More and more enthusiastic testimonials; today I am informed that, after Canada, it is Russia that sends to us two observers who are interested in this incredible technique of wellbeing.

Psychiatrists have noted that patients endured much better their times of distress.

Yes "Origin-Oxygen" is almost miraculous !

And it's not over ...


- What is it ? asked me one person.


What is out of reach as the aesthetics or the unspeakable.

Entirely separate from science, place where the proposals make sense.

" I am "

Many researchers go astray when they believe - in good faith - that the famous " I am " is of Hindu or Tibetan origin.

Reread the Old Testament, the chapter of the " Burning Bush ".

God reveals himself in His fullness, The One who can not be defined.

What does he say ?

" I am " or " I am who I am. "

This formula, " I am ", is found again in the Fourth Gospel in order to emphasize Jesus' Divine Transcendence.

Monday, September 14, 2009

His References

  • Opening Doors Within by Eileen Caddy

The Little Voice of the 10th of February :

"Aim high ; the higher, the better. Even if you do not achieve that high aim every time, at least you will find yourself being stretched to capacity.

Always expect the very best in life; see yourself receiving it; and give eternal thanks for it.

Remember that I know what you have need of, even before you ask, and all your needs are wonderfully met.

How blessed you are to know these wonderful truths and to be able to absorb them into the very depths of your being! To be aware of the tremendous changes and the constant growth and expansion on all levels.

To know that with all the upheavals in the world which are bound to come, for the old must go to make room for the new, no harm will befall those souls who have learnt to put their whole faith and trust in Me. To know without a shadow of a doubt that with Me all things are possible. "

  • The books of Franz Bardon :

- Frabato the Magician

- Initiation into Hermetics
- The Key to the True Kabbalah
- The Practice of the Magical Evocation
  • Words of Krishnamurti :
Listen to me carefully, please :

The "Meditation is for me something very important, I meditate regularly, twice a day since over 25 years.

I consulted various masters and I followed several methods of meditation. All lead at some point, I always feel to be nothing more than the confirmation of a system, which was not my goal.

But all these experiences allowed me to dominate my thoughts perfectly and I control my emotions very well.

I did breathing exercises to achieve peace of body and mind.

I repeated the sacred words and I observed long periods of fasting.

But after all these years, I can not find peace.

On rare occasions, I have known some extraordinary moments of true ecstasy.

But it seems to me that I can not go beyond the illusion of my own mind from which I am eternally prisoner.

A cloud of despair and disruption surrounds me and the pain increases. "

Do you know who said that?

KRISHNAMURTI, the great Krishnamurti.

He said these words to some seekers of truth that came to meet him.

If you want one day to own knowledge, powers, revelations, you will have to think for a long time on what said the immense RAMAKRISHNA :

"Two different kinds of men can come, down here, to the Knowledge of the Self :

- The first are those whose mind remains clear of all teaching and is not influenced by the thoughts of others.

- The second are those who, having studied science and religion, realized at the end of their studies the naught of their knowledge. "

Sunday, September 13, 2009

WORLD PREMIERE for 1200 people

Last Sunday in front of an audience of 1200 people, JET achieves a new feat

In live, JET has taught these 1200 people to receive and transmit the Light!

yes you have well read 1200 people! A World Premiere for such an amount of people ...

Monday, September 7, 2009


The Divine and Christian Chance being always with me I am lucky enough to be surrounded by hundreds of friends.

We cannot live without friends, without being loved.

Count the number of your friends and try to improve the score...


Twenty years of marriage, twenty years of happiness! My daughter Mary is 18 years old!
In the presence of thirty friends - all of whom have witnessed the birth of Mary - we celebrated this double event joyfuly.

I wish you to meet a woman as exceptional as Valerie; it is worth all the gold in the world.

Also, I wish you all to have a daughter such as Mary, right, fair, naturally gifted and with high moral values.

Divine Providence gave me four beautiful souls, Valerie my wife, Mary, Ludivine, Christine.

My dearest wish is that the same occurs to you.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The critics ...

Those who rarely travel, who do not create anything and do not help others accuse me of not animating forums or neglecting my blog.

I would like to remind them:
- That I have just written two novels, one to be published next November
- That I have recently created the amazing Oxygen procedure - See the testimonials on the blog.

Dozens of candidates from all places are eager to learn this secret technique which is several thousand years old. It is neither medical nor paramedical and it is not a therapy.

This summer, I made nearly 300 demonstrations across France and the French West Indies and in two countries outside Europe.

- In 3 months, I have only spent 10 days with my family, which is way too little.
- I have attended exhausting treasure researches with shovels and picks!
- I have offered Magic wands that radiate Energies of "Universal Happiness"
- I have gotten involved with a group of friends who do business in a very dangerous country, Nigeria.
- I am partner in a modeling agency,
- I have just created another modeling agency,
- I have made a few conferences and meetings.
- Tomorrow, I go to Ivory Coast and Benin.

Question: Are you doing as much?

INCREDIBLE! OXYGEN is the "enrichment" of your life, IN LESS THAN 5 MINUTES! Read testimonials ...

The critics ...

Those who do not travel much and rarely help the others accuse me of not being present on forums or of neglecting my blog.

I remind:
- That I have just written two novels, one to be published by late November
- That I have recently created the amazing Oxygen procedure - See the testimonials on the blog.

Dozens of candidates from all backgrounds have been eager to learn this secret technique, which is several thousand years old. It is neither medical nor paramedical and it is not a therapy.

This summer, I made nearly 300 demonstrations in France, in the overseas territories and in two countries outside of Europe.

- In 3 months, I been only 10 days with my family, which is way too little
- I have participated in exhausting treasure searches, armed with a shovel and a pick.
- I have given several magic wands that radiate Energies of "Universal happiness" (thousands of testimonies have been published on the site)
- I have gotten involved with a group of friends to undertake business in a very dangerous country, Nigeria.
- I am partner in a modeling agency
- I have just created another modeling agency.
- I have hosted a few conferences and meetings.
- Tomorrow I go to Côte d'Ivoire and Benin.

Question: do you do as many things ?

Remember: Apart from the lack of courage, nothing nor anyone stops you from doing the same.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Testimony of V.

I was lucky to find you and to send you a few magical prayers requests this summer. Today I want to share my testimony and thank the Divine Providence and yourself for the beneficial effects felt in the following situations :

My father, who is victim of an injustice in the courts, is finally relieved. His lawyer - unreachable since June - has finally returned his file to the top of the stack file. He contacted again my father disillusioned, who has obtained, as desired, not only an appointment, but also a comprehensive mail breaking the arguments of the opposing party and assuring him that he had his case well in hand.

My relationship with my mother, so far complex and passionate, is more serene. I do not feel the same pressure in her presence.

I personally had asked help regarding my jealousy. We spent our vacation in Italy surrounded by beautiful and stylish women, of whom my companion did not fail to appreciate there presence.

For the first time, not only I have not spent my time observing, controlling the entire female population of the area to identify who was likely to hold his attention and I have not lived his comments on each other in a spirit of competition and rivalry.

I feel that for the first time I heard his remarks on the right wavelength without giving them an implied sexual connotation. Where I usually reduce everything to me, I finally felt a providential detachment.

Thank you JET for everything !

Monday, August 3, 2009


It is an exception that we publish a testimony, and the reason we do it is that it is about a real miracle! (the person in question does not know JET).

"In June, my brother Vincent was at the hospital. His condition worried everyone for several weeks. After many tests and days of observation, the doctor who followed him gave him no chance to survive. "

Jet was soon informed and quickly provided his assistance. Vincent drank every day the divinized water. His state was really not the best, but in the first few days a radical change occurred. He showed a better complexion, a good morale and a calmer mood.

After several weeks in hospital in observation, the doctor could not provide any explanation for this reversal of situation.

Vincent has now resumed normal conditions of life and thanks Jet together with all the members of his family for this wonderful outcome. "

Enjoy your week!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


It seems that black cars have more accidents than white cars or light color cars.

This reminds me : one day I overtook in a tunnel without light, a black guy, dressed in black in a black car.

The worst is that the guy had not turned on his headlights ...

Question :

- Who is more dangerous ?

The case I have just described or a white guy, dressed all in white, in a white car and driving in a field of snow ?

(...) You've realized that I buy my humour in barrels. Despite the unavoidable costs of delivery, I'm doing well, it's very profitable.

If I do not make the crazy spender, my barrel of humour lasts for a year. Obviously one must not squander, that's good, I am thrifty and cautious from good nature.

An example : a pair of socks makes me the year. The secret ? It is simple: one washing with clear water exclusively at each change of season.

- I'm so humble, so modest that on my business card there is nothing written.

- Offer flowers to your beloved one, also give her an occasional compliment such as “ you are more and more beautiful " and avoid laughing ...

Saturday, August 1, 2009


It is clear that all the "derivative products" have not yet been written off ...

Hence the potential danger:


- JP Morgan Chase Bank: 86 billion dollars (66 billion €) on derivatives
- Bank of America: 38 billion in derivatives
- Citibank: 30 billion in derivatives
- Wells Fargo: 5 billion in derivatives


- HSBC: 3.7 billion in derivatives

Reminder! one billion is: 1,000,000,000,000

- The one responsible for the financial abuse, who has allowed Wall Street to go berserk: Larry Summers
- His assistant: Tim Geithner

The reality is full of humor .... Tim Geithner is now US Treasury Secretary, hence OBAMA’s first economic advisor...

Have a great summer, these people think for you ...

Friday, July 31, 2009


Since the beginning of July, I have been traveling in France and abroad.

Oxygen raises enthusiasm everywhere!

Without any advertising, people are queuing up to live one of these sessions that never last more than 5 minutes!

Each time, the miracle is accomplished

It amuses me and makes me happy to do the good for free for dozens and dozens of people.

Now, more than 300 people have benefited from the Oxygen sessions and are more than pleased with the results.

I remind that Oxygen is neither medical nor-paramedical, and neither depends on any energetic nor magnetic technique, etc. ..

Oxygen is unique and I serenely claim its paternity

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Be resourceful !

This morning I was talking about a quality that has apparently disappeared: a quality that is needed in the world of matter, in all areas. It is also needed in the inner worlds research, including the invisible worlds.

This quality which has disappeared is called resourcefulness !

Are you resourceful ?

If you are resourceful, it will take you to an additional quality of life, within yourself, in your family, in your marriage and in business.

Resourcefulness is not dependent on intelligence or qualifications ! (...)

The resourceful, is someone who makes money with the least effort.

It is the one who has the most pleasant wife or husband, with doing the least effort.

Resourcefulness is not taught any more, we do not talk about it.

Yet it is really necessary !

So on a scale of 1 to 20, give yourself a score of resourcefulness.

And think that the score that separates you from 20, it's fog !

In the mist and in this fog, you will run out of love and money !

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Find happiness !

Do you want to find it ?

Many people say they want to find happiness but they have never done anything in that way.

Have you worked enough to make the difference between Happiness, pleasure and Well-being ?

The well-being which is rehashed to your ears will never give you Well-being.

For 20 years, we have been "eating" the trend of the positive and well-being !

People are not more positive and are not more in the well-being.

Happiness is an inner search

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The mysterious man of Rennes le Château ...

François - my editor - and I had two days, only 2 days to continue our secret quest; fortunately, we met at the foot of a buttress of a beautiful mountainous mass, the man of mysteries.

But not only the man ! Books, very originals secret documents, some dating back to the after Middle Ages...

You understand that we can't for the moment, tell you more ...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Admiration and gratitude

I feel a real admiration and a very high recognition to all those who have written on the treasure of the abbot Saunière and to all those who searched the fields.

Let’s never forget : Gerard de Sède, Plantard, the Marquis de Cherisey, Noël Corbut, Mary Denarnaud and so many others ...

What dreams and happiness they brought to us !

Tribute to researchers

A jury in a famous place in Paris will pay tribute (at my initiative) to all researchers of treasures of Rennes-le-Château and its surroundings.

We will give a trophy to two people : one living, the other one deceased (then be given to his family).

The trophy awards, unfortunately, people who have been most betrayed, plagiarized, scorned in their research.

Feel free to send us a short file if you are in this case.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Succeed in your life !

  • Open yourself to the outside world.
  • Become more autonomous.
  • Trust yourself.
  • Keep your beliefs, they are worth mine.
  • Live more !
  • Have more fun !
  • Make yourself a compliment a day, make one to the persons you live with…

I know, I have been repeating the same advice for 20 years…

Thank you for your patience.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


L'Autre quotidien (DAILY PAPER from COTONOU, author FRANCK RAOUL PEDRO ON JUNE 3 rd,2009)

Having endowed Benin with the wand of Universal Happiness the French man John Edward Tang alias JET is for some months rather regular in Benin to share his Godsend gift with the Beninese. Next Thursday he will still be there: during a spiritual gathering he will restore harmony in every Beninese’s life. Next Saturday in the open –at Cotonou’s green theater of the Arts, JET will chair a public meeting. It will be a session of relief and miracles and especially about self knowledge through the respect of certain life principles.

During this session he will provide a miraculous water that he will offer for free . For Eloi Hounkponou the one in charge of the Awakening Center of Action and Blooming representing the interest of the French man of God in Benin this new visit of Jet will be the opportunity for him to bring a solution to those whose business doesn’t work anymore , to couples in trouble, to unemployed persons , to sick people, to souls under the influence of the malefic forces.

In this period of school’s end examination, Eloi Hounkponou declares that Jet will pay a particular attention to the candidates of the diverse exams. For that purpose a precious stone intended to irradiate the energies of luck, protection and cure will be given to all the participants of this public meeting.

Introduced by the Awakening Center of Action and Blooming, this visit from Jet takes a major importance regarding the mastery and personal research on psychological and spiritual plans.

As soon as he arrives and as a prelude to the public session, John Edward Tang , whose true name is Serge Marjollet, will receive in private next Friday in Marina Hotel of Benin numerous persons. He will listen to them and help them find a solution to their problems.

Poet , writer, humanist, humorist and especially revealing new talents, John Edward Tang is an independent researcher in human science, an international consultant. He writes a lot on self fulfillment. He is the initiator of the technique “OXYGENE” which at the moment surprises and amazes hundreds of thousand Internet users. An exceptional powers endows him and he propagates it all over the world through many spiritual journeys.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Oxygen, Origin

Or the incredible ancient technique, simple, efficient which results are quasi-miraculous. Within 5 minutes you are in a Wellbeing in which you remain !

OXYGEN has nothing to do with medical or paramedical, with any therapy, any psychotherapy, any magnetism, any energy or bio-energy.

This is not hypnosis, nor relaxation therapy, neither autosuggestion, yet ...
It's " miraculous " !

Your enthusiastic testimonials confirm it.

Over 200 people have already benefited from it and still are amazed.

OXYGEN is one of the oldest secrets and best kept techniques called beneficial in wellbeing.

Since the dawn of time, remember this :

The laws of physics have not changed,
Humans are always the same !

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Testimony of C.

It's me again, unbelievable ! My 15 year old daughter goes on a transatlantic expedition for one year, my son found a school for the little guy like him, near the ocean and me, consequently, I get the impulse to move house ! In three weeks... since my request...


I was waiting for this housing difficult to obtain, and I was very afraid of not getting it and finding myself "staying" for a while in other people. Today, I live in this apartment ... And this agreement, I've got it only a few days after my prayer request ...

Thank you very much ! The housing manager said I really had a good star watching on me ! Yes ... ! Thank you - Thank

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The first Lime Tree radiating Luck, thanks to JET !

In the sense of a united Europe, in 2007 was born the idea of creating, along the Acher, an alley lined with trees, sponsored by municipalities, schools, associations, societies and border relationships. This alley was officially opened May 2, 2009.

... This Lime Tree is a gift from the author John Edward Tang (Ivory Coast) who sees the trees as messengers of happiness.

A European dimension was given to the project through Margarethe Leonhart from Strasbourg, director of the European Union of the Ortenau. SWR and France 3 cameras were present to film the opening ... The president Bernhard Keller, who had the idea for this project and Klaus Huber were able to greet by the "Feldbachstube" directly to the small Acherbrücke (Bridge of wood on the Acher), many distinguished guests.

Were present, among others, the country's finance minister, Mr. Willi Stächele, the mayors of all municipalities where passes the Asher, the director of the European Union of Ortenau, Ms. Leonhart, as well as the Ivory Coast writer John Edward Tang's editor coming from Paris, the Editions Fortuna.

Then Mr. Stächele unveiled a sign that explains the meaning of Baumallee. Then all the mayors, the minister and Mr Michalon have planted the Lime Tree sponsored by Mr. John Edward Tang and the Editions Fortuna. All the distinguished guests were invited to write in the " golden book of Oberachern " ...

Trees, like humans, are part of Mother Nature.

It is his editor who drew his attention to the project of the Baumallée Acher.

To commit oneself is the idea of being able to serve, to be useful. This gesture refers to a precedent act, he did several years ago: " My wife and I have planted 1000 coconut trees and 2000 bougainvillea in Ivory Coast ".

You dream to do so, then better you achieve your dream !

" A win at games "

Testimony from D.

"Hello, my second message will surely interest many people : after my first session of " More Chance ", I had the very pleasant surprise to earn 90 euros for a stake of 2 euros. On top of this, the vibrations are very soft and very powerful. "

From the first time, Luck smiled all day !


"The first time I discovered the site 'More Luck' (Plus de Chance), Luck smiled at me all day :
I made a new encounter, then I got the money I needed so much.

Moreover, my friend and I were looking for partners in the sale of cocoa in Abidjan and Luck smiled again to us : I met people who were able to help us.

Thank you Luck, thank you JET for all these benefits "

" With luck, the best performance in the world "

Testimony of Joseph Batangdon – a top athlete

" I am very touched by the interest you have given me. I realize how much I am lucky to have met you, once again thank you, thank you for your time, thank you to have taken me under your wings, thank you for believing in me.

Today I am the best in the world in my art although a few days ago, I thought that all was lost for me.

On 200 meters, at the Championship of France this Sunday, I made a time of 20 s 57 cent - which is the best world performance of the year - thanks to all your advice. "

" With Luck, a brighter future "

Testimony :

" From my heart, I thank the Luck. I had applied for a language pass from the unemployment office to improve my English.

By an Incredible luck, after the last vote of the commission, my case has been accepted at the last minute for this semester.

These language pass are not easily accepted.

That, if it is not Luck !

THANK YOU, Thank You three times. I now see a brighter future in my professional life as English is very important
in my profession !

Viva the Luck !!! "

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Honors or trouble?

Saturday, May 2, JET had a choices:

• Plant the first tree that radiate Luck - near Strasbourg between France and Germany - for Europe, an event attended by German Finance Minister Willi Stächle and many media representatives.

• Or serve in Ivory Coast

Guess his choice!

What would have been yours?

Friday, April 17, 2009


Prodigious Angelic Legion of planet Earth’s Sphere!

The Archangel: SANDALPHON.

The angelic legion - THE ISCHIMS – has the mission and function to protect pregnant mothers.

So for twenty years I have offered to this beautiful angelic legion hundreds of young pregnant women.

What a success !

In Africa, France, Switzerland, Canada, the United States, Brazil, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Australia, Austria, Germany .... Numerous mothers - and babies - have benefited and benefit all life long from their protection and blessing.

It is your turn to benefit from them and make them known !

It's free! Make your request for protection by clicking HERE.

Take part in this moral, social and physical renewal. All the children protected by the Ischims remain so all life long !

Please make it known by clicking HERE ! Help Beauty, Goodness and Wellness.

Thank you Divine Providence for allowing this !
Your friend,

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I offered a request one month ago about school problems with my second child. Gradually all is getting better and I see the fabulous support I received. Thank you from my heart.

I want also to thank for all the requests I made for other people without their knowledge : there is always an improvement and I smile because I know where it comes from….