Friday, November 30, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 382

Submit yourself to God and you will be free.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 381

What interest would you have in your life to mix apples and oranges ?

The Ocean of humor, No. 381

A jackhammer, even new, makes me less impact than female breasts.

22, you said 22 ?

Don't you find it surprising that the 22nd statue will radiate on December 2, 2012 ?

When we know that 22 is a master number that has a vibration superior to the others.
It has a powerful energy and high radiation...
This is the number of geniuses, the great builders ...

But already, I've said too much !
Careful thought and do not get lost on the way !

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A statue of the Virgin Mary in Toulouse !

Incredible, yet another statue !

John Edward Tang announces the radiation of the 22nd statue !

That will be one of the Virgin Mary, Sunday, Dec. 2 at 12 noon precisely, in Pibrac (31820), near Toulouse !

Once again, you are informed in advance in order to go and live this moment new.
Invite people explain and advise them to read the comments on, section Virgin Mary.

The 22 statues radiating around the world are accessible to all, provided they comply to the times and places of visits.

A big thank you to all the volunteers who take time to welcome visitors with a smile and the joy of serving.

The Ocean of Love, No. 380

People always consists of three categories :
- Those who fear the State
- Those who respect the State
- Those who are wary of the State.

The Ocean of humor, No. 380

Many good for nothing are good at everything.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 379

A powerful rich, even skinny, crushes the poorer than him.

The Ocean of humor, No. 379

In esoterism, some meditate a lot to drop off better.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 378

Be indulgent, not weak.

The Ocean of humor, No. 378

Playing "natural" saves many untalented actors.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 377

Prior to, we are afraid to die, not after !

The Ocean of humor, No. 377

I always get on with those who have the same opinion as me.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 376

Do not watch pornographic movies, you seriously soil your mind.

The Ocean of humor, No. 376

A beautiful woman's academic body attracts me better than an academician.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 375

I prefer by far the Luck to reason.

The Ocean of humor, No. 375

Like a fly in a bowl of milk, a priest in cassock in a field of snow.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 374

A reasonable ego ? Come on !!!

The Ocean of humor, No. 374

Women wear pants as much as men,
but few men with women wear the pants.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

he pointed out that in December it would be a great seminar ...

"Thank you Jet for this extraordinary seminar.
I got back purified and regenerated .... a true revival.

Obviously, having lived the word "death" in a split second I was leaving and when the word "life" was pronounced, everything was rebuilt in me .... in a better way!!
My neurons were oxygenated, and on that same evening my mind was bright with sharp humor ....

The opening of the caduceus symbol has done a tremendous energetic healing in all areas, the one of the Roses Cross, magnificent which was deployed with such power, it is really impressive.

And on the field when he expanded my speed it was an acceleration coming from the inside, a real force that propelled me.
I was powerful and without fatigue.

And when I think he pointed out that in December it would be a great seminar, what will it be ...? EXTRAORDINARY. . .
Jet thank you from my heart. "

Eva who participated to Energy Chance 3 days, published her commentary on

The Ocean of Love, No. 373

The guide to the truth is God, not your egoic reason.

The Ocean of humor, No. 373

In your consumer society, many spend more than they think.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 372

How many good reasons have polluted the life of reasonable people.

Monday, November 19, 2012

I encourage you to come to the next Dourdan session !

" Do you know someone who is able to make people live incredible experiences ?
Such as :
- Remove the negative karmas
- Open symbols such as the caduceus, the symbol of the Rose Cross
- To plunge instantly dozens of people in the Inner Silence
- To innovate invent new revitalizing wellness techniques
- To immobilize people from a distance ...

These Energychance three days in Dourdan lifted me up, unlimited me, lightened me thanks to JET.
I'm very lucky.
I returned to Paris light, free and happy to live and create a new and broader life, more beautiful, where everything is possible !
With a flourishing and happy mood.
I encourage you to come to the next session Dourdan. "

The Ocean of Love, No. 371

No question is the final key.

The Ocean of humor, No. 371

When a banker tells you "This is a family placement"
translate "This is a plan of famine".

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 370

If you want to be a prisoner, it's easy ! Promise more than you can hold.

The Ocean of humor, No. 370

A genuine hot water enthusiast will always refuse
the tea bag handed over to him.

If you had come this weekend ...

There is a before

and an after ...

with JET !

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 369

No virtue in poverty !

The Ocean of humor, No. 369

Who, during a gala dinner, finds a wheelbarrow in his dish
should push it directly to the edge of the plate.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 368

True generosity comes from the heart, not the wallet.

The Ocean of humor, No. 368

- At 18, I failed my driver's license, said Michael
- Me, I got it, but I failed my 18's, replied Nicolas.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 367

Many are generous as long as you do not ask them money.

The Ocean of humor, No. 367

Vivaldi has composed the "Four Seasons"
without being a market gardener.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 366

To make a success of your existence,
do not imitate neither wolves nor sheep.

The Ocean of humor, No. 366

« Who sleeps forgets his hunger » is a slogan of  bed salesman.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 365

Many admire me - not for me ! -
but for the demonstrations of Knowledge and Powers I reveal and show,
that God withdraw this from me and I'll found myself almost alone ...

The Ocean of humor, No. 365

My editor's sex life would be more fulfilled
if justice did not oblige him
to wear an electronic tracking bracelet
within 500 meters from a nursery school.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Le scandale français et qui dure….

L’INSERM, organisme public, estime que l’amiante devrait tuer en France 100 000 personnes entre 1995 et 2025.
Ce danger mortel, n’en déplaise aux politiques et en particulier à Martine  Aubry, est connu depuis 1906 !!! (rapport Tribault)
Mais ce n’est qu’en 1997 que l’emploi de l’amiante est interdit en France.
Les industriels de l’amiante, et  en premier le groupe Eternit, disposaient d’un puissant lobby avec le Comité Permanent Amiante (CPA).
Comprenant des représentants de ces groupes ainsi que d’organismes publics et de cinq ministères, le CPA, crée en 1982, a détenu le quasi monopole de l’information scientifique sur l’amiante et influençait le gouvernement.
Aucune mention des représentants syndicaux, de chacun des syndicats, au sein du CPA, pendant 13 ans. On est habitué à ce que Lutte Ouvrière escamote les débats à l’intérieur des syndicats.
Le CPA reste un exemple de stratégie de la négociation se substituant à celle de la lutte des travailleurs.

La véritable démocratie.
Prendre le pouvoir, ca commence par discuter et s’emparer de la politique, pas uniquement le temps des élections, mais tous les jours, en prenant collectivement les décisions qui nous concernent, au travail et dans tous  les aspects de la vie (santé, éducation, logement, environnement…)
Au pouvoir, il vous faut choisir des représentants qui vous ressemblent, ouvriers et prolos, hommes et femmes, français ou immigrés, issus de notre classe.
Pas de représentants politiques qui vous « rendent des comptes » tous les 5 ans, toujours les mêmes « professionnels » de la politique !
Prendre le pouvoir, ce n’est plus déléguer vos vies et la société, alors que les experts à la solde des bourgeois vous mènent de crises en faillites. Le capitalisme ne se réforme pas, il doit être renversé.

The Ocean of Love, No. 364

If you want to belittle yourself, flatters the others.

The Ocean of humor, No. 364

On a grave, I saw engraved "deeply regretted ... after all no".

Sunday, November 11, 2012

€ 80 gift from Santa !


Away on a trip, I forgot to inform you that the participants to three days of 16, 17 and 18 November at Dourdan, receive an € 80 gift from Santa Claus on the next seminar in December.
They will only have to pay € 100 instead of € 180. In addition, the afternoon of Friday, December 14 is offered for free !

As a gift during these three days of November, expect unique revelations ...
JET will make you experience the incredible :

The opening and energy release of 3 known
and very powerful symbols, including the Caduceus !!!

Imagine the Abundance benefits in health, love and money ...

Exceptionally, the inscriptions are open until Wednesday, November 14, final registration time !


The Ocean of Love, No. 363

The experience of life is more precious than all the books.

The Ocean of humor, No. 363

My editor is in mourning :
the tapeworm of his favorite flatulist died of a loss of voice.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 362

If you know how to love, the Earth will be, for you, a true paradise.

The Ocean of humor, No. 362

To work, yes ... but hence to make a job of it...

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 361

The happy medium is equivalent to the place of the sun in the universe.

The Ocean of humor, No. 361

This summer, lifeguards were so ugly that no woman was drowning.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 360

How many came to note what I reveal,
trying to steal a snippet of my powers ?
I do not know how many but I know none succeeded !

The Ocean of humor, No. 360

Have you ever tried to buy fleas at a flea market ?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 359

My faith in Divine Providence is far superior to
the Powers that She granted me.

The Ocean of humor, No. 359

I blew this morning in a police breathalyzer,
he wrote on the report "Elegant texture, complex palate".

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 358

One day I asked Divine Providence to grant me a specific power.
All those that I had were withdrawn instantaneously,
I looked like a real fool !
In His Infinite Love, God gave them back to me after 3 days, phew !
I had understood the lesson !
However twice - in front of an audience -
I asked God to remove the powers for a few minutes.
This was done to the amazement of the audience, as you can imagine.
Then, at my request, all the Faculties were granted back to me.
This experience - unique in the world -
proves how much Divine Providence is near us.

The Ocean of humor, No. 358

Recently, I ran into a childhood friend, he looked my age.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 357

Only the idiot asks God to grant him clairvoyance.

The Ocean of humor, No. 357

I only lip-read women, but solely with my tongue.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 356

There are a lot of dangers to possess powers;
among others, that of losing the path of fusion with God,
and many more ...

The Ocean of humor, No. 356

Your parents die ... and it is hereditary.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 355

It is your God you must seek, not supernatural powers.

The Ocean of humor, No. 355

My secret version of Little Red Riding Hood, is little known.
The one where at the end the cake kills everyone.

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Ocean of Love, No. 354

Many in my stead,
with all the powers that Divine Providence has granted me,
dream of meeting the rich and powerful, while I flee from them !

The Ocean of humor, No. 354

Few people know this, but younger I was a door-to-door salesman,
"we have already what we need" growled the people ...
I used to sell doors.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day for the dead, Friday, November 2.

JET offers you this sentence to live on November 2nd, the day of prayer for the dead !

"From this moment thanks to You Christ,
the karma of all disembodied human is relented
and they are already drawn in Your Light and Your Heart."

Your comments are welcome on

The Ocean of Love, No. 353

Too many thoughtless and gullible minds ask for powers,
these people are in danger of leading a ​​miserable life
made of various deprivations.

The Ocean of humor, No. 353

You have a Protestant friend ?
Be thoughtful, every year on St. Barthélemy,
send him a note of remembrance.