Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 78

Night falls and nobody is there to pick it up.

The Ocean of Love, No. 78

Life, without Divine Providence, is a battle, spare yourself from this.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 77

Does a hopeless situation leads to a dead end ?

The Ocean of Love, No. 77

All greed comes from weakness.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 76

Do not do things by half, a quarter will do.

The Ocean of Love, No. 76

It is unfortunate that declarations of love are not evidence.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 75

The worst crime ? To kill time.

The Ocean of Love, No. 75

The skeptic ? He will end in his own pit... the septic tank.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 74

Business is like love:
anything but not anyhow.

The Ocean of Love, No. 74

Do not try to convince the wicked with words, flee it.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 73

A napkin is just a successful handkerchief.

The Ocean of Love, No. 73

Do not promise, do not swear, simply speak true.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 72

My editor is far from being stupid,
even if sometimes he comes close to it ...

The Ocean of Love, No. 72

The wimps have this in common with the geese: they go in troops.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 71

Do not throw in the sponge ! Keep it up !

The Ocean of Love, No. 71

Nothing worse than to remain doing nothing, keep yourself busy !

Monday, January 23, 2012


Secret Revelations, finally simply explained, applicable in every day life, and perfectly suited to the Aquarian Era.

Among others, the specific areas in the Bible where you can benefit from the revelations and Divine Energies
hidden in the text.
The early history of mankind is, everyone will agree, in Genesis, specifically, in Genesis 3.23-24 and above all in 2.16-17'.
Among others, revealed secrets of the Sermon on the Mount delivered by Jesus.

Also revealed, secrets of Pythagoras concerning both, the Tree of Life and theTetraktys-never disclosed before !!!

Further Revelations on the secrets of Letters and Numbers (Western, Hebrew, Arabic)
And above all, on the human body! YOUR BODY, of which you know almost nothing!!!

Of course, every Revelation, demonstrations of Magic Powers, that
I have been granted by Divine Providence.

You were not at this UNIQUE IN THE WORLD seminar ?
You did wrong!! To put it mildly!

So rich that, in two days, we had time for only half of the seminar!

Personal revelations and advice:
Work on the books of Franz Bardon! And above all, beware of everything that is fashionable!
Where are my "amazing" Knowledge, Power,and Revelations coming from ?
Only the sheep, the gullible, the idiots (usually they are the same ones ...) believe in the teachings in vogue.
I do not believe it, have never believed it, and am not about to believe it!
Show me one of your pseudo-masters and I'll show you a person without any real POWER!!! Therefore of any REAL KNOWLEDGE, disclose ONLY when God has given you the famous and rare Powers which are so much fantasized ...

My success depends exclusively, on DIVINE PROVIDENCE, on FRANZ BARDON, on Secret Teachings concealed in the HOLY BOOKS!
I have always favored the TIMELESS to
the Temporal.
This is to say, among others, the study and practice of letters, numbers and figures.
For ever, the 7 will be between 6 and 8.
The B between A and C.
In this timelessness, the ANCIENTS of various religions have -very cleverly- hidden it ALL !!!!!!
Also, EVERYTHING is in this
so alive TREE OF LIFE (Blessed Be It !), in the TETRAKTYS, the SECRET TAROT, that is the splendid THORAT, blessedly, also in the secret teachings of the HOUROUFIS, these so educated Wise Muslim.

If you have not discovered the wonders hidden in the "Proverbs" of the Old Testament, do not be surprised that your search does not lead to anything constructive! neither in metaphysics nor in the field of love, of social success, and in the field of ​​money ...

Still, dear friends researchers, I wish you good luck and lots of happiness!!!

PS: In this text, often comes back the word "secret": the context of esoteric research wants that!
But, well above the True Knowledge, still unknown to the general public (except for the three books of FRANZ BARDON is:

The faith of the child which Jesus speaks about is far superior to all powers and knowledge! If in you, you have this FAITH,
the rest will be given to you moreover, as to me.

NB: I was forgetting! I also revealed correspondences between the TREE of LIFE Pathways and Nature, so to say with your essential oils!
With astonishment, the public made this discovery: the VIBRATORY QUALITY of the individual increases or decreases the quality, thus the EFFICIENCY of the plant!

The Ocean of humor, No. 70

Do not die stupid, ridiculous ;
To not live like a fool seems to me more important.

The Ocean of Love, No. 70

To draw you out of your tears, some would damn themselves.

JET, as you've never seen him...

Remains to know who is the most surprised ...
Comments welcome !

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 69

Love in weightlessness, so your loved one will never let you down.

The Ocean of Love, No. 69

Your words create happiness or unhappiness.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 68

Pretend to understand what you do not understand,
this will prevent you from listening to long explanations.

The Ocean of Love, No. 68

To die, ii's simple: just go, a little, in the Hereafter.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 67

The end justifies the means, especially hunger.

The Ocean of Love, No. 67

Be humble, not humiliated.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Increasingly, meeting various people I see that many confuse two important things:
- The spiritual level.
- The psychological level.
I do not see what has to do the psychological level, in a relationship with God!

My advice:
Beware of such therapies and questionable psychological parameters established as absolute truth!

Persisting in seeing a "wound" or a "disease" going back to childhood or of the parents' fault.

Another example:
Stop yourself focusing on your ego! nobody is perfect! nobody is entitled to ask you to be so.

Over many years, we have been refusing access to our seminars to those people who want to feel "sick" or in the grip of "wounds".

If you think you have a psychological problem go and see a psychiatrist but not a "spiritual".
Would you have the idea to have treatment for your teeth done by a podiatrist?

- criticizing the Judeo-Christian culture,
- criticizing you,
- criticizing others.
Do not let yourself be manipulated, instrumentalized, even - and above all - in the name of the Virgin Mary, of God, or Christ.

Are you sure you need a therapy?
If this is the case, the College of Physicians or Psychiatrists, will guide you to professionals.
Having no degree, I do not see how at this level I could advise you!
In recent years, are increasing a flood of nonsense, of dangerous methods - so-called therapeutic-with "the help of the Virgin Mary,
of God and of the Christ "....

For over twenty years, I say:

The Ocean of humor, No. 66

Let's make compulsory the rigor dress code.

The Ocean of Love, No. 66

Very few know how to do truly the good or the bad.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


There are some more !

Today on my blog there are 34 597 testimonies of satisfaction and thanks!
Those are the testimonies of Internet users to which must be added:
thousands of written testimonies!!!
that I had forgotten.

I give thanks to Divine Providence and offers Her all these expressions of gratitude.

I am well aware that if God had not endowed me with Its Powers,
few people would be interested in me ...

The Ocean of humor, No. 65

Less we know, the more we said.

The Ocean of Love, No. 65

Excuse the weaknesses, not the betrayals.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 64

Darwin spoke of " natural selection ".
How is it that my publisher is still alive ?

The Ocean of Love, No. 64

The ungrateful does not see what you do for him,
but only what you do not.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 63

Truth is so bare that many are trying to dress it.

The Ocean of Love, No. 63

Better to burn youth from both ends than to do nothing of it.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 62

As said and the housework is done well.

The Ocean of Love, No. 62

Boldness is the mother of all success.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

It is this state of mind that must be kept ...

" I want to give my testimony so that everyone understands the scope of what Jet can bring in our lives.
I had the chance to participate in Energy Chance the 1st of January 2012 led by Jet himself in Martinique, and also in the seminar that followed on January 7 and 8.

And I can tell you that a real change was then made ​​... it's hard to put into words because in fact:
  • everything happens within you,
  • instantly your inner state changes,
  • what I felt is really the difference "before" "after",
  • The most extraordinary is especially the instantaneous changes in my life,
  • I realized that I do not identify with the situation although I am primarily concerned, and I'm in a mode, as often said by Jet, "I love everything, and I love nothing" ...
  • nothing is serious, just simply let yourself be carried and I notice that things are taking place quietly ...
And above all I realized that it is this state of mind that must be kept!
We never stop learning!
Jet thank you for everything you give us! "


The Ocean of humor, No. 61

A elegant and intelligent blind owning two canes :
- A white cane to see the day.
- A black cane to see at night.

The Ocean of Love, No. 61

Your virtue is your glory.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 60

Some get dressed with research
but inwardly do not search for themselves.

The Ocean of Love, No. 60

Any lie harms you.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Faced with the flood of greetings received, I was unable to personally respond to each.
From the heart, I thank all those who have thought about my family and myself.

Regarding the West Indies:
I return from Martinique where I gave a seminar described as "extraordinary, surprising and exceptional" ...

My ego being in heaven, I thank everyone for their kindness and trust.
I had the opportunity to make physical demonstrations of
Christic Magic to which very few people in the world have attended.

Yes, I am fortunate to have the ability to perform in public without hypnosis, with no suggestion, without faking, in broad daylight, instantly what you call "miracles".

I repeat again and again:
I am a part of yourself that you have not discovered nor explored.

Courage to all the students of the three books of Franz Bardon, or any other Light seekers or of personal development.

PS: My thanks to the guadeloupeans, metropolitans and swiss who came to attend the seminar in Martinique.

By lack of space we had to refuse many people.

Last information:
All year 2012 will be devoted to demonstrations of real rejuvenation and
Divine and Christic magical powers.

For those who still doubt:
Join us for these experiences of Christic Magic
Thus you will realize for yourself that there are Divine Faculties that for the time you do not know how to release.

The Ocean of humor, No. 59

Stupidity is contagious and there is no vaccine against it.

The Ocean of Love, No. 59

Every lie will turn against you.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 58

Missed opportunities is this really a waste of time ?

The Ocean of Love, No. 58

The wimps do not care about contempt.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 57

Take a train, it will break your routine.

The Ocean of Love, No. 57

Do not try to do more than what you can do.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 56

Nothing worse than having an umbrella in hand and it would not rain.

The Ocean of Love, No. 56

The hardest in fear, is to grasp it.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 55

Sing out of tune !
You will shut the mouth to those who sing in tune.

The Ocean of Love, No. 55

Vice and immorality joyfully go hand in hand like virtue and morality.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 54

If it is the best ones who leave,
how is it that I'm here ?

The Ocean of Love, No. 54

Whoever shows all his teeth to smile at you,
will show them as well to eat you.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Celebrate and live the EPIPHANY thanks to JET !

JET offers this alive and powerful sentence to share with everyone:

"On this blessed day,
we recognize the presence of Christ still alive"

Thank you for posting your comments on www.vostemoignages.com, in Other.

What is Epiphany ?
Epiphany designates nowadays a Christian feast which celebrates the Messiah coming and incarnating in the world and receiving the visit and the homage of the Magi. It takes place on January 6. In France and Belgium, as this day is not a holiday it is celebrated the second Sunday after Christmas.
The feast is also called " Theophany " which also means " manifestation of God ".

The feast was originally, until the end of fourth century, the one great Christian feast of the manifestation of Christ in the world : incarnation, Nativity,
manifestation by the coming of the Magi, manifestation by the voice of the Father and the dove on the Jordan River, manifestatiion through the miracle of Cana.

Since the introduction of a feast of the Nativity (Christmas) on December 25, Epiphany has specialized in various ways according to the confessions, and adopted various meanings.
Since the nineteenth century, it is also called the day of the Magi in direct reference to the visit and adoration of the Magi.

Etymology :
"Epiphany" is a word of Greek origin, Ἐπιφάνεια (epiphaneia) which means " manifestation " or " appearance " - the verb φαίνω (faïnò), " manifest itself, appear to be obvious " - the use of which is prior to Christianity. Epiphanies are, in Greek culture, the gods that appear to men, like Zeus, Athena, Hermes, Hera,Poseidon, Demeter, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis, Hestia.

A celebration of Light
Originally Epiphany, is part of the Christmas cycle and has its merits and meaning from pagan celebrations of the Light.

Indeed, Christmas, prior to being a day, is primarily a cycle.

- It peaked on the day marking the winter solstice (or at least one of the daysassociated with the solstice) on December 25. That night of the solstice, whichis the longest of the year, announced the lengthening of days -and by extension- the rebirth of the Light supposed to be the source of all things.

- Then the celebration continues during a number of highly symbolic days : 12 days. Thus Christmas is a holiday that lasts 12 days and 12 nights, 12 representing among others the Totality (12 months, 12 hours, 12 Olympian Gods, 12 Tribes of Israel, 12 Apostles, etc.).

- The cycle ends January 6. That's when the days begin to lengthen significantly, that the promise of the solstitial night is bound. We therefore celebrate the Epiphany, the manifestation of Light. By its round shape and itsgolden color, the cake symbolizes the sun.

Note also that it is this day (at least its equivalent, as the former calendar, the Julian calendar, differs from ours) on which was held in ancient Rome the feast of the 12
Epiphanes Gods (ie the 12 Olympians).

Christianity took over all this symbolic matters assimilating the light to Christ, as he is announced as being " the word that illuminates the world ".

source wikipedia (french)

The Ocean of humor, No. 53

My neighbor makes more debt than money.

The Ocean of Love, No. 53

Honey tongue hides bitterness tongue.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Gifts of C.i.C (a french bank)

Every year Chantal receives this gift from her bank : a pocket diary that she quickly throw in the garbage.
Early December she throws a glance over her account statement, surprise !
The C.I.C has charged her 29.90 euros this horrible agenda, three times more than on the market !
Best of all, it is filled with commercials for Visa Premier.
Chantal called her bank and fell down under the Christmas tree " that is normal, tells her adviser, since 2009, our gifts are to be paid for ".
And it is Christmas every day ...
INFO from the Canard enchaîné (french newspaper), January 2012

Le PARISIEN newspaper

Some french fans of Michael Jackson's, " traumatized ", and the word is weak, by the death of their siliconized martian, claim for damages, in order to compensate for their sworn idiots heartbreaks and various psychological disorders
Joyful applicants for the kingdom of simpletons ... again ...

Who will keep the dog ?

Jean-Marie or Edith ?
These two crazy friendly, separated after honeymoon, end up in court to obtain the custody of an
ugly mutt, wisely and cleverly named "POUPETTE"
One said " she gave it to me ! "
" Wrong ! Responds Edith, the hairs bristling with anger, I just lent it to him ! "
For this
gloomy case the two soft dingoes (!) each took a lawyer. Welcome the fees...
But Jean-Marie is happy. His photo is in the newspaper, even better, in the photo, successfully, he holds the mop POUPETTE in his arms.
To the latest news a shared custody is planned. I would like to be there at the time of the exchange ...
May this day be be sweet to you !

The Ocean of humor, No. 52

The " quenelle ", itself, is a fish of superficial water.

The Ocean of Love, No. 52

Beware ! Wolves know how to smile like lambs.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 51

Incredible ! Few people know that fish sticks live at almost 300 meters depth.

The Ocean of Love, No. 51

Do not return the insult, return love and forgiveness.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Ocean of humor, No. 50

Bury me with a vacuum cleaner !
So that I can clean myself up when I'll fall to dust.

The Ocean of Love, No. 50

If you have to commit a crime, kill yourself before !

Monday, January 2, 2012

My collection of howlers of the year 2011 3/3

My powers would come, not from God, but according to the follies of each, either from the extra-terrestrials, or the Illuminati ! I adore ... there is the mentally retarded who still believe that my demonstrations are rigged ! Envy and jealousy make them lose their mind !
In twenty years, if I had faked it, I would have been denounced
long ago, don't you think so ?

If I was Tibetan or Hindu I will be recognized and praised. Alas, I am just a poor French lambda, with a history of bandit. It does not help and frightens the authorities and the overcautious bourgeois.

I have the pleasure of being very happy with my family, liked, popular and respected by tens of thousands of people worldwide, which is nice.
And very encouraging.

The unfortunates who lie about me or criticize me, are they as successful and are they as joyful and happy ?

That life is sweet and nice when we do not judge and do not criticize !

Happy Holidays to one and all !

The Ocean of humor, No. 49

Never speak badly of provincial
without them, who would we laugh at ?

The Ocean of Love, No. 49

Many will do you small favors in order not to do you a big one.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Best wishes for the year 2012 !

To all my online friends, and the not online ones.

It is with great pleasure and a lot of joy,
that the family of happiness presents you their best wishes for a year 2012
that we wish you extraordinary !
May all your wishes come true.

Above all ! Offer to as many people around you this energetic message, so powerful and creator of abundance.

May from that instant life be softer to you !

The Ocean of humor, No. 48

In the fields, the cows watch the trains pass ;
on the café terraces, many watch the time go by.

The Ocean of Love, No. 48

Happiness ? The harmony in your life.