Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Good and the Powers

Supposedly, because I practice - and it is my right - Christic Magic, I would not have the right :

- To speak socially

- To demonstrate the faculties granted to me by an extraordinary Divine Grace.

Who can allow oneself to think in my place ? Nobody !

Thanks to the Chritic Magic, do I not make a lot of good ? Thousands of testimonials prove it and I'm happy about it.

There are always backwards to refuse that times are changing :

Or you have power and you show them.

Or you are hypocrites.

To Show your powers, it's simple, it is to do the good around you with means wrongly qualified as "supra-normal " and other nonsense.

On the Job ! Help Humanity !

Friday, August 22, 2008

Do you think sufficiently in your interest ?

The concern about your interest must outweigh everything else.

" Charity begins at home "

You are able to see what is good for you and apply it. No authority must interfere in your choices.

If you're not careful, you lose that right and you prevent the happiness and the good sense to win your every day life.

  • Either you think for youself.
  • Or somebody else will think for you to his advantage.

You can be sure of it.