Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Ocean of Love, No. 558

Any jealous in one way or another wishes you dead.

The Ocean of humor, No. 558

My neighbor just died, he was so irritable, that he did a V-sign carved on his grave.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Ocean of Love, No. 557

Virtue comes from Heaven, few people are interested in it, 
Vice comes from hell, and has many worshipers.

The Ocean of humor, No. 557

When you die, go for cremation, it will warm up the atmosphere.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Ocean of Love, No. 556

 Guard yourself !

The Ocean of humor, No. 556

It's winter ! You do not have shoes ? Not a problem.
Surround your feet with barbed wire, so that, lucky you, will not slide.

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Ocean of Love, No. 555

Even if your eyes are weak, don't be blind from the heart.

The Ocean of humor, No. 555

Even if you no longer make love,
at your local pharmacy save your reputation,
keep buying condoms.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Ocean of Love, No. 554

Needless to advise an idiot, he will make you more stupid than him.

The Ocean of humor, No. 554

If your parents are deaf, orient your career towards the mime.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Ocean of Love, No. 553

Only one enemy ? Too little, too monotonous, no interest.

The Ocean of humor, No. 553

Explain to me why the ghosts pass through walls and not floors.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Ocean of Love, No. 552

You have enemies ? Remain happily in life, to better bother them...

The Ocean of humor, No. 552

A good humanist never has ulcers, he causes them to others.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Ocean of Love, No. 551

Normal to be angry; abnormal to seek revenge.

The Ocean of humor, No. 551

Success ? 10% talent, 90% other people's money.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Ocean of Love, No. 550

There are two kinds of enemies :
- The one that you harm,
- The one that harms you.
If you must choose between the two, take the second, he has no grudge.

The Ocean of humor, No. 550

I saw with my own eyes a fried egg jump from the plate and attack the guest.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Ocean of Love, No. 549

Be careful that a disappointed friend does not become an enemy.

The Ocean of humor, No. 549

I go up the coast and go down the Côtes du Rhône.