Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dare !

Many people dare like they did not dare to dare, they are afraid to really dare.

In french this word (Oser) is an anagram of "Rose" (the Grace)
of "Eros" (the power)
or "ZERO" (this is not a good start ...)

Some have qualities or gifts, but by fear to dare, do not know how " to sell themselves ".

What interest and excuse is there to be shy?

Faced with the shy, when I played poker, I raised and raised again to the bottom with in hands 2-5 or in "closed Poker" with nothing at all, only garbage cards.

And it worked !

Their lack of "daring" obliged them to give me their money and tokens.

If you have some stuff, dare !

Nobody will do it for you, it is for you to do !

To start with dare to be yourself !

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