Sunday, June 24, 2012

The new JET !

Between the 21st and 22nd of June, the one we call, from his author's name John Edward Tang lived an extraordinary mystical experience.
His change of conscience makes him a new inner personality.
Difficult to understand, to believe for some ...
Yet those who were lucky enough to receive the SMS information and who participated to Saturday's Energy Chance session at the Tuileries, have experienced and felt it.
Which is confirmed by the testimonies.

I was lucky this morning to talk with the new JET and he made me live who he was, his new state. I was flooded with an impressive energy, extremely powerful and gentle at the same time. Everything happily blew up in me, allowing me to reach a state that I did not know until now. Difficult to find the words such the experience was spectacular.
But I encourage you to go and see him as soon as possible !
And thank you, thank you, thank you JET for sharing all this with us ! Nicolas

From his "arrival" the new JET Is and radiates the Joy of Christ and the Lightness with an extraordinary Power.

He has already sent the following message:
" If you have the feeling to serve Divine Providence with joy and good mood, your success will be greatly facilitated. But if you only think of money you may encounter difficulties ".
Spread this message, it concerns ALL researchers.

He just then offered this powerful and alive sentence to be passed to a maximum of people:

" In Christ, humanity is filled with Love, Joy and Abundance !!! "
It is to pronounce on Sundays at 12pm (noon local time) up to the last Sunday of August, facing east.
Remember that it is a hundred times better to pray for others than for oneself.

If you want to meet him and enjoy his new state of consciousness, the new JET will be in Rodez from July 2, and in Dourdan from August 21.

And to avoid the consequences of trivializing, of being insipid, transmit and testify !

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