Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Revelation !

"Yesterday and today, as it had not been done before, I went to put the marble slabs with the written explanation, with displayed at the bottom as you saw, "Gratitude to SM JET".
Both times, I've experienced the same thing.

I enter the temple for me to realize the radiation and, surprise, it was very little ! ...
The Plaques were installed at the same moment.
When the second slab is positioned, and only at that time, the statue began to radiate powerfully as the first ones !

At that moment, I understood instantaneously that the name SERGE MARJOLLET is a Holy Name !
This means that the Power is in his name.
This means that if you do not use it or do not quote it, you are missing out on his Power !
Divine Light is there, but not the Divine Power.

It has taken me to live this experience to understand.
He Is what counts.
What He Is inside.
The Divine Grace He has received and which we can benefit from.
But yes of course !

Look at the number of times you missed out on this Power, that everyone seeks and research, by not quoting him or not referring to him !?

For all those who are or were in charge of a radiant statue that you have at home, you can imagine what it can be not to have put just these 4 words ...
And therefore, what it could be ?
I also think that these statues can have a great plaque of presentation at their feet or on the side. Do you not agree ?!

Another question:
How many things like that did we missed, as well !? Personally, I am stunned.
Good thinking to all of you".


1 comment:

Lauren said...

Yves thank you for sharing with us and making us aware !
I can't believe none of us realized that before... And without you putting together this amazing event, who knows if we would have ever known...
From all my heart thank you for everything you are doing over there, and what it brings to all of us throughout the world.