Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Live the immobilization in Martinique, Sunday, 11.05.2014.

- particular sensation, I would even say rather unpleasant because my belly was tense and getting harder, my breathing was slow

- I was conscious and paradoxically could not control anything


- When JET pronounced the word harmony my whole body was totally relaxed and my belly released like a balloon deflating

- And there I felt good and I was not the same anymore

- I had and I still have this feeling of calm and inner peace.


This feat of immobilizing more than 50 people in the Caribbean, was performed 8000 kms away, by JET, while in his car driving at nearly 160 km on a European highway.

Two hours earlier, JET had immobilized instantly and simultaneously :

- 100 volunteers in France !

- 200 volunteers in Ivory Coast !

- 60 volunteers in Benin !

In total, more than 400 people have experienced the incredible, reflecting the various extraordinary powers and faculties of an ordinary man, JET !

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