Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Have a good sense of humor !

Ah, humor !

I am toasted with a healthy dose of humor, yet I find that, compared to an Olivier Kersauson, I'm a pale figure.

To love humor and for it return it to you, only one rule :

Practice by oneself.

One measures his own degree of intelligence and humility to his ability to laugh from himself.

This keeps away the suffering and arrogance always ready to rescue your feeble humor.

My weird duty is to give lessons and advice to people more educated than me.

This is not ordinary and contains within itself a good dose of humor.

But, by a miraculous curious optical effect, nobody laughs in my face.

I'm lucky and my ego as well.

Culture and competence disappear in front of the faculties that God in his Great Goodness and his Great Humor has granted me.

I'm not going to complain.

Always with humor, I see that people see in themselves tons of negativities, which, in reality, do not exist.

I should do in the melodrama, the high priest, the sadist of thoughts, I would make a fortune.

To not see the bad where it is not, does not make you rich, I know something about it.

And sex ? It drives you crazy. The so-called sexual freedom has apparently created more problems for women and men than advantages.

The increase of the joyful masturbatory and homosexual practices creates startling confidences.

Had ONAN, when launching the fashion – from the left hand – (reverse for right-handed), thought of the many internal conflicts that he would, much later, trigger ?

What is amusing is the reaction of the good little researchers people in regard to my relaxation and to my immense space of freedom.

In other words: they would want me shy, prior, modest, dressed in white and constantly reciting sacred texts.

Poor researchers, so far from the Aquarius Era and so close to their contradictions, that they identified themeselves to them.

Too much discipline, too much " wonderful " readings made them narrow, dogmatic, fearful, and moreover cut off the world.

Today our society is moving and moving fast. It's great and exciting !

Much more than complicated analysis and beliefs, so confusing that, even Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, would not find their way. I am lapidary, I know.

Some would like to stone me from the top of " their Knowledge ".

The world of the truth is that - Thank God - " I " have powers. It's embarrassing for many and it raises the indignation of the good thinkers and the middle class researchers.

Stop shutting yourself in outdated ideologies and religions.


May life will be sweet to you !

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