Sunday, July 2, 2006

The Magic Wands have a considerable success.

Only quality required : common sense on the part of the godmothers and godfathers and godchildren.

Primordial revelations

1. Karmically, I am responsible for the use that is made of all these wands.

It had to be said and pondered especially by the current and future owners of these magic wands.

2. All these wands radiate the " Universal Happiness " even on the planes where the deceased reside.

3. All the Magic Wands have a secret name that I am the only one to know (this in case of loss or theft).

4. Ten Wands radiating the Divine Abundance have just been made (always for free). They were given to corporate finance managers and other persons directly involved in the world of money.

5. Ten other Wands radiating the Divine fullfilment are scheduled to be given to local residents of the ultra-popular district of Yopougon in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. From this district - the heart of Abidjan – comes the mass movements, support of various recent putsch.

6. An extraordinary Magic Wand of an unlimited power and efficiency was just born. It is conducting the two Universal Fluids, one electric, the other magnetic. It will serve me for all the magical operations.

7. Each Magic Wand that is loaded either with " Universal Happiness ", Abundance, Electromagnetic Fluid or other beneficial powers, such as Prana of such god or goddess of the Hindu Pantheon, Tibetan or otherwise, draws attention, respect, sympathy of the highest beneficial intelligence. Inversely, they scare all negative entities.

8. Two approaches are recommended to those who have a magic wand : simplicity and common sense.

In no way, your beliefs, membership of a particular religion or spiritual movement can interfere with the use of these wonderful Magic Wands.

9. All Beings of the Invisible, Elemental Hierarchy intelligences, Devas and Elementals : Salamanders for the Fire Element - Sylphs and Elves for the Air Element - Undines, Nixies, Tritons for the Water Element - Gnomes for the Earth Element, benefit from the divine energies of the Wands without having you to care of it, but you can do it.

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