Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What is said about me ...

I very well understand that anti-sect movements are concerned about me.

I have also voluntarily disappointed some of those who approached me.
I told them: "I have powers but I will not show them to you"

What would you have done in their place? You would have left me and certainly denigrated me.

I was demonstrating the "Knowledge" that the divinity had granted me by internal and external revelation, but few powers if not mystical.

Of course, I was labelled as a guru, as if it was an insult !

I am not a guru, at least, It has never been my state of mind

Since nearly 20 years, I repeat to anyone who will listen that I am neither a master nor a prophet nor a reincarnation of a famous person.

Still for 20 years, I repeat that the real inner development is to be happily married, to have beautiful children and to know the lack of economic problems.

Of course, I speak in a vacuum, I preach in the desert.

people who come to see me want everything: love - money - social success but without changing their habits and their way of thinking.

In Africa, eight of my students have become ministers, more than a dozen chiefs of staff, etc.. Colonels have become generals, some poor have become rich, some unhappy in love have met their soul mate, etc..

All have one thing in common. Once their goal is reached, they no longer come to see me and of course do not thank me.

Confucius was telling to his students: "Avoid the rich and powerful, they are ungrateful and greedy."

It has not changed…

Fortunately, it leaves me cold, egos waltz is a permanent show.

I have received letters of insults because people had gained
only small amount at games, that women were dreaming of me, that the dog had become strange, that milk had turned in the saucepan, that I had dressed up in clouds and other swirling follies, if that were all !

It seems that since 1968, I am a CIA agent. I would have order the murder of an autonomous leftist suspected to work for the Americans in order to stay in the shade.

I would have take part in the Operation Condor (anti-Marxist) set up by the Americans in Central America.

“One“ would have found my ex-girlfriend of the time, being since married to a general…

General Pinochet would have kissed me and decorated me!

In 2005, I would have stolen with a group of young Moroccans, more rails in Spain that the government has made changed on railways.

We would also have stolen 11 fighting bulls to resell them.

I am being accused of everything: to charge money to pray for the deceased, of violating graves, to rob museums ...

Sometimes, I have a burgundy-colored Jaguar, sometimes a black Rolls…

I am seen in Kiev in Ukraine, in Moscow in Russia, in Atlanta in the USA, in Tenerife, in Madrid ...

I would have found gold coins in the surrounding of Rennes-le-Chateau, looted a crypt in Amiens, swept documents and sold them to the Vatican.

I would have made a false shroud of Turin (It's childish to do) and robbed the organ of the Church of Saint Sulpice in Paris.

I forgot, I would also have been part of a Brazilian death squad.

I would live, surrounded by blooming young girls, ready to satisfy all my fantasies.

This is not all.

I would have been one of the propagators of "Red Dragon" kind of Klux Klux Klan who failed in his very secret recruitment in the 1980s.

I would have made bombs, in 1968-1970, and would have made exploded, with an Armenian accomplice, whatever arose. We would also have grenade a few cafes (?)

This is not Serge Marjollet anymore, this is Super Man!

Many others stories are running about me, of which :

A book “B like Barbouze " would have devoted to me several chapters. This is not true, my name is simply mentioned as "Gaullist of the left".

I would possess false identities, many passports in different names.

I would earn fortunes by cheating at poker. (I was world champion on the Internet in 2002/2003)

We write what we want, that's democracy.

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