Thursday, September 27, 2012

Saturday Night I experienced the 12th dinner of taste !

"The inner state reached within each of these dinners is a marvel.
Quality, Silence and Fulfilment. All that with food of basic quality.
Cucumber, beets take a taste and a fragrance so rich that all major delicatessens are to be trashed !
This Faculty was offered to me today, and I'm very impressed.
Because I have been able to experience that the dinners of taste have materialized and realize everything I received within from Jet.
These dinners are an extraordinary Grace, and it is the Miracle being alive.
A few minutes ago I have just tasted the best Champagne in the world.
No bitterness, no acidity, round and light.
It is unique, as has been Jet for over 21 years.

I give Thanks, Jet thank you for being and transmitting as much as you do, thank you for your Love. "

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