Monday, August 8, 2011

The Triangle of Death !

And no ! This is not JET's last book title, but the next place where he will unfortunately go ... also known as the triangle of Burle !

It is located around the Mézenc, this " giant of the Cevennes ", a " Triangle of Death ", a true " Monsoon trough ", who made more than 60 victims !

Aviation accidents, most of them unexplained, occurred in an area located approximately between Mezenc, the Puy-en-Velay and the Massif of the Pilat. This area seems to hold the sinister record of air disasters.

Also, curiously, these calamities occur in areas with difficult natural environment.The reason for these repetitive accidents is still an unanswered enigma... No one really knows why this region has the privilege of aviation falls disaster ...

Beginning of April 1970, it is still a Mystere IV " accompanied by a ballet of luminous balls that arose from the Rhone " which crashed near the Teste.

In May 1970, a Bonanza having flight trouble is reported. We will never find wreckage or passengers ... but the authorities will later emerge " a mysterious and unknown aircraft wreckage
unidentifiable ", the investigation will never go further.

June 1, 1971, a Cessna crashed in St-Front near the Arcone Lake. Residents indicate then that the place is frequently overflown by " flying and blowing machines ".

1st August 1975, a plane crashed in Marat. The repetitive depositions of the witnesses explained that the aircraft was topped with pale lights and then very bright ones at the time of impact.

1979 and 1980 will bring the same dose of enigmas and fatal
aircraft accidents.

JET left with several compasses for the center of this cursed triangle ... to search for treasures and uncover the mystery of the fireballs ...

I should not tell you that, but JET is precisely between the D105 and D103.

If the conditions allow it, you will be able to monitor live the audio coverage of this terrible adventure ...

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