Thursday, August 8, 2013

I benefited from the unthinkable and exceptional !

"At the beginning of July, I benefited from the unthinkable and exceptional !
A truly unique in the world experience.

I lived, with Jet, rejuvenation sessions thanks to the energies that he dispensed.
A scientist versed in quantum physics and mechanics even made the link between what was doing Jet and science.
In it, he confirmed that the contribution of Jet's techniques was unique in the world of nowadays : almost instantaneous in its effects, acting out of space and time, and of an efficiency that is out of common.

Since these rejuvenation sessions, I feel like a kid.
I gambol, rejoice, feel very light and happy. My face rejuvenated even more and I have received compliments on my appearance, which is of course very nice !

My body is muscular, vigorous and young, even though I have been eating too much for many months now.
However, the most extraordinary effect is probably the following : the entire pain in my back and fatigue accumulated over several months have completely disappeared ! I had been exhausted for months due to a life of travel and intense activity. I had been suffering a lot from my back on a daily basis for the past eight months. MRIs done were showing a spine in poor condition and I had seen many specialists including doctors, osteopath, naturopath, etiopath ! Without much success.
I had to take daily painkillers and medications in large quantities.

Since my stay in Rodez, all pain has ceased, first gradually and then totally ! Fatigue is gone too.
I came back in shape quickly.

This is extraordinary.
I have no words to thank Jet and the employment of his energies of Life and rejuvenation.
We need more scientists now to look at his work !
It is a necessity.
Than those who have ideas on the subject make it know"

Edouard participating in the unthinkable and exceptional seminar JET

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