Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It is worth all the GOLD in the world !

"I want to share my experience after the Rodez seminar this summer, that I described as exceptional but that in reality I can not even quantify or measure, as it brings me so much every day since I got back !

There have been so many changes in my life ...
I have chosen to describe you a phenomenon that comes to light and grows day by day in me and around me, and that is directly related to the state of the Golden Eagle that Jet has made me live in the meadow at Rodez.

I am very surprised when meeting people at work, family members or even when talking to people in multiple occasions to realize how they are stuck in their habits and conventions, in some thought patterns and with a very limited vision of their lives.
This suddenly came into my face with full brunt and I thought that I had, before Rodez, surely limited myself just as much as them.
This to such an extent that when discussing, these individuals would not even take a chance of thinking for themselves "what if I was wrong", fabulous revelation of Jet which has opened my eyes in BIG !!!

But since my experience of the Golden Eagle, ideas just keep on coming into my head, my imagination is increased tenfold and I realize that despite my dynamic character to implement projects, before I did not realize the 10th of what I could actually do.
The vision of my life has become much, much more UNLIMITED and LARGE in all areas, like that of the EAGLE overlooking the scenery when flying.
I feel more detached, and this distance makes me STRONGER in life.
The old limitations that I had were just an illusion and resulting in an accumulation of unnecessary fears, that Jet got rid for us, thanks to his capabilities.
All my stress and my somatization, have disappeared, and only return if my thoughts are negative for myself and/or others.
The state of mind that Jet talks all along is the key to all our problems, and Humor can really save us in difficult situations, saying this for having lived and applied it.

I refuse to fall back into a hard and difficult life.
Today I only have to restart this new life !

My field of consciousness has expanded and a multitude of experiences are happening to me so that I go through with power and overcome all these barriers that the old me had set free without even realizing it.
I do not know how I'm going to manage it but I trust myself and I'm sure that after Rodez I am no longer the same Karine and that I have tremendous resources and energy within me to move forward in life, and that, .................
It is worth all the GOLD in the world !!!

Before I was seamless, now I'm alive !
Thank you for everything"

Karine, "worth of Gold" seminar participant  of JET, Rodez.

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